Ultrasonography and prenatal examination laboratory


Our specialists perform the following certified USG examinations:

  1. Early pregnancy diagnostics, including diagnostics of fetal abnormalities.
  2. An early ultrasound scan – should be performed at 11-14 weeks. The examination includes anatomic assessment of the fetal: heart, brain, limbs and abdominal cavity organs. Moreover, a full panel of ultrasonography parameters allows for the chromosomal aberrations risk assessment. The full panel comprises: nuchal translucency screening and the assessment of: nasal ossification, blood flow in the ductus venosus, blood flow through the tricuspid valve, heart rate as well as exclusion of Down syndrome characteristics.
  3. Combined screening test (PAPP-A test) involves a blood analysis (for PAPP-A and free beta hCG, using accredited methods: Brahms-Kryptor, Perkin-Elmer-Delfia, Roche) and an ultrasound scan. Specialists suggest performing the blood analysis earlier (around the 10th week). Results of the biochemical analysis should be presented to the physician during USG examination, at least at the 12th week. Then we assess the risk of genetic syndromes on the basis of additional biochemical parameters.
  4. Second trimester ultrasound examination – allows for the child development monitoring (fetal anatomy and heart function, examined according to the ISUOG 2008 echocardiography standards).It is advised to perform the scan before the 20th week. At that time we are also able to determine the risk of genetic syndromes on the basis of fetus characteristics. The examination includes evaluation of fetal anatomy (head, brain, neck, chest, abdomen and limbs). It is the second very important USG examination after the first one, carried out between the 11th and the 14th week.


5. Ultrasound monitoring in the third trimester – is focused on the assessment of fetal development, peripheral circulation, placenta maturity and the amount of amniotic fluid. Furthermore, we evaluate fetal organs morphology in order to exclude malformations that can occur later (e.g. malformations of gastrointestinal tract or heart, including the narrowing of the outflow tract of the right or the left ventricle).



Our specialists have broad experience in the diagnostics of fetal anomalies. Therefore, we are able to give an exact diagnosis without the necessity of undergoing examination in other health care facilities. This will allow you to save time and avoid unnecessary stress. Certificates awarded by the Fetal Medicine Foundation are the proof of our proficiency. Examinations are performed using 2D, 3D, 4D, STIC techniques. For each patient, we ensure the intimacy and friendly atmosphere.

Ultrasound examinations in gynecology:


These include:

  1. Pelvic evaluation (transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasound). Our medical staff is highly experienced in the diagnosis of benign and possibly cancerous changes within reproductive organs.

    Fast and good level diagnosis allows for immediate therapy introduction, which can be also provided in our center. 3D technology is particularly important in cases of developmental malformations of the uterus (uterine septum, bicornuate uterus, uterus didelphys, unicornuate uterus), which are often the cause of infertility and serious diagnostic problem. Evaluation of pelvic vasculature is performed by using Doppler vascular mapping techniques (Power, Color, Bi-directional Power) and non-Doppler: B-flow.

  2. Ovulation monitoring. It requires the performance of a series of the ultrasound examinations to confirm ovulation. First examination is carried out between the 7th and the 9th day of the cycle – initially we assess the daily growth of the follicles. During following examinations, in ovulatory cycles we observe the gradual growth of the follicle and eventually its rupture, leaving a stigma in the ovary (the site where the residual follicle would be transformed into the corpus luteum). Ovulation monitoring may be carried out either in natural cycles or during stimulation with drugs (in cooperation with the gynecologist).

In our center we perform also:

  • Ultrasound assessment of oviductal patency (Air-sono technique),
  • Ultrasound uterine cavity assessment after intrauterine saline injection (2D and 3D technique) in case of difficult-to-diagnose endometrial changes.